Workshop on Methodology and practical planning

Between April 10-11 the project team together with experts met at the Maritime University in Szczecin Poland for a fruitful workshop focusing on the tasks and activities in work package 2 - "Cleaning the sea and planning the future action at sea" and work package 3 - "Responsible fisheries scheme & prevention measures" of the Project. The headline for the workshop was Methodology and practical planning “Searching for a systemic solution for mitigation of DFG problem”. The aim of the workshop was to designate concrete locations and agree upon a common method for sampling areas for the 2017 actions at sea in the 4 Baltic countries Sweden, Poland, Germany and Estonia. The two days in Szczecin also included brainstorming about possible new, innovative methods, tools for safe DFG retrieval from wrecks in the Baltic Sea and some preliminary results of the fisherman survey on reasons why fishing gear are lost was also presented.  The workshop attracted the attention of local Polish media and a press conference was held with representatives from WWF Poland and the Maritime University of Szczecin.  

Presentations from the workshop.

Presentation of the GIS map

Speaker: Jonathan Kowalik, Navama

EIA - First findings

Speaker: Ingrid Tjensvoll, WSP

Dragging methodology in Sweden

Speaker: Vesa Tschernij , Municipality of Simrishamn

Method of removing ghost nets from shipwrecks in Poland

Speaker: Marcin Szymczak , Akademia Morska

Stratification of the dragging effort

Speaker: Vesa Tschernij , Municipality of Simrishamn

Dragging operations in Germany

Speaker: Andrea Stolte, WWF Germany

Selecting hotspots in Estonian waters

Speaker: Maido Lipp, Estonian Divers Association

Preliminary results of fishermen survey

Speaker: Vesa Tschernij , Municipality of Simrishamn

Technical textiles & textile mechanical components

Speaker: Enrico Putzke, Technische Universität Chemnitz