MARELITT Baltic at World Water Week in Stockholm

The MARELITT Baltic project was presented during the seminar “Plastic soup and dead zones: Source prevention for cleaner seas” at the World Water Week in Stockholm on the 27th of august.

World Water Week is the annual focal point for the globe’s water issues. It is organized by SIWI and this year, World Water Week addresses the theme “water and waste: reduce and reuse”

The presentation of the MARELITT Baltic project was part of a wider presentation held by project partner Keep Sweden Tidy focusing on how Sweden and the EU can work to prevent marine litter in the Baltic Sea environment. Along with several other speakers and panellist at the seminar was Andrew Hudson, Head, UNDP Water and Ocean Governance Programme and H. E. Karolina Skog, Minister for the Environment, Sweden.

The event followed-up on the outcomes of the High-Level UN Conference to Support the Implementation of SDG 14 held in June 2017, discussing the opportunities and challenges to improve fresh-, coastal- and marine water quality as a part of SDG implementation. During the event, some the present experiences and innovative approaches of source prevention to reduce marine pollution and litter, were discussed.
